The IPB specializes in the characterisation and manipulation of primary carbon metabolism in plants.

SAGWRI focuses on Integrated Grape and Wine Sciences and Biotechnology and is linked to the Department of Viticulture and Oenology within the AgriSciences
faculty at SU.
faculty at SU.

The primary goal of the Chair is to undertake cross-cutting innovative research and human capacity development to support South Africa’s agricultural and horticultural postharvest industries.

We will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to develop and exchange knowledge, experience, and expertise in the areas of food safety, food defence and food processing.

The mission of the African Wildlife Economy Institute (AWEI) is to strengthen the governance of wildlife economies in Africa in support of biodiversity conservation and inclusive, sustainable development.

SAFL uses innovative collaborative learning and facilitation approaches to support multi-stakeholder teams to develop a systemic understanding of food security issues and design innovations to shift the system towards a more sustainable and equitable path.