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Faculty of AgriSciences Webinar Series: Empowering Prospective Students

From 18 July until 15 August 2024, the Faculty of AgriSciences hosted a webinar series aimed at prospective students who have applied to the faculty but have not yet accepted their offers. These information sessions were designed to provide applicants with in-depth insights into each programme, including alumni experiences, career opportunities in various fields, and the experiences of current students.

Applicants have until 30 September 2024, to accept their offers, and these sessions were invaluable in helping them make informed decisions about their academic futures. The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, with many noting that the webinars provided them with clarity and confidence in choosing a programme that truly aligns with their interests.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to each department, our current students, and alumni who generously shared their knowledge and experiences. Your contributions were instrumental in making these sessions a success.

Looking ahead, we plan to host these webinars annually during July to continue supporting prospective students in making informed choices about their education.

supporting prospective students in making informed choices about their education.

For those who could not attend or would like to revisit the discussions, recordings of the webinars are available below:

  • Agricultural Economics
  • Grapevine and Wine Science
  • Plant and Soil Science:
  • Conservation Ecology and Entomology
  • Animal Science
  • Forest and Wood Product Science
  • Article supplied by Ms Precious Canham
    For programme enquiries: Mrs Monika Basson

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