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AgriScience staff attend Climate Smart Forestry Workshop in Norway

Agriscience staff from multiple departments traveled to Norway to attend a week-long workshop at the Inland Norwegian University of Applied Sciences (INN). The workshop was part of the EU Erasmus+ project, Forest21, a joint initiative to strengthen capacity in South African higher education. While the packed program focused mainly on climate-smart forestry, it also emphasized the project's two other thematic areas: entrepreneurial innovation and the promotion of problem-based learning methods in the pedagogical toolbox.

The workshop provided an excellent framework for discussion and interaction among all participants. In addition to our own agriscientists, colleagues from the University of Venda, Nelson Mandela University (Saasveld), and Fort Cox Agricultural and Forestry College were also represented. The European partners included the Finnish coordinator HAMK, Aalto University, and INN, whose beautiful campus setting on the banks of the Glomma River set the scene for this constructive interaction. Additionally, the local Forest Owners Association provided essential context for the discussions. It turned out that the issues facing the forest sector in the far north are very similar to those we face at home.

Image: from left to right: Bruce Talbot, Albert Strever, Brand Wessels, Barbara van Asch, James Pryke

Article and Photos supplied by Prof Bruce Talbot

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